How we sprouted wings in 2014
- February 7, 2015
- 38306x
We had coffee one evening, sat down quietly and wrote an evaluation of the year just gone. Just to take stock and see how we're doing as a company – and in general.
Success can be measured in various ways, like the numbers in financial statements or gained media space.
Or by what we do with the money earned.
Here is the outcome of our evaluation:
5 highlights of 2014 – the business side
The average annual growth of EU economies is 0.1%. Teahouse grew by 126% in 2014. Not a bad year at all!
Behind our success stand a record number of 27,532 international parcels sent. And they were no featherweights; the average weight per parcel was 22.28 kg.
So far, it looks like we're shooting for the stars.
Well, we told you so! The total distance traveled by all Teahouse packages crisscrossing the world since 2009 has climbed to 43,577,000 km .
That's not just the distance from Earth to Venus. We're already past that! Another destination for our packages is thus Mars – that lies 56.8 million kilometers from our planet. The landing is planned for later this year.
It seems that our / your parcels will arrive on Mars before any shiny new NASA spacecraft.
It sounds like something from the Stone Age, but in 2013, we didn't have a Facebook page. So we finally got one last year.
And in that first year on Facebook, we made over 5000 fans. We appreciate it mainly because we did not purchase any fans from databases, but got them through patience and honest work.
One after another, day after day. We will continue to do so.
You've probably noticed that we keep looking at the stars, the sky, the atmosphere... That's why we whipped out our wallet and paid for ‘air ads’ – 10 km above the ground.
9.5 million people saw our full-page ads in the in-flight magazines of Wizz Air and EasyJet aircraft. And one of you received 1000 euro for it.
Be sure to look in the magazine compartment of the seat in front of you next time you take to the skies of Europe.
A year since launching a new version of our website, we have participated in the prestigious WebTop100 competition. And, in November 2014, we won 4th place in the Trade and Services category!
Our Internet dream team welcomed two additional top specialists last year: David Lörincz, (marketing guy) and Filip Podstavec (professional link-builder).
We're setting our cross-hairs at even better web awards next year – and not only local ones.
And why are we doing it?
For you of course! So that our website and services are a joy to use.
5 highlights of 2014 – in our (micro)cosm
Like every year, we supported the Endowment Fund Against Corruption. This time with the help of you – our customers – who donated one pound when ordering our services.
We doubled your £331 in donations for a grand total of £662. Together, with your help, that makes over 73,000 CZK for the Endowment Fund Against Corruption. It just makes sense to us.
We bought a donkey with a cart for one family in Ethiopia. It may seem trivial – but it gives us all the more joy to really help someone.
We gave a smaller amount of 10,000 CZK to support the Five P social preventive program – giving disadvantaged children a chance to feel normal again.
Through donations or free package transport, we have supported event organizers, who help Czech and Slovak children living in the UK.
With the company was doing so well, our boss helped out two of his friends in a moment of financial difficulty when they, on the contrary, were down on their luck. You never know when you may need such help yourself.
When that happens, we strive to make it work for your benefit – like we did on 31st January 2014, when we sent your packages for a song.
The insane “1 package 1 pound” deal actually became our biggest charity event last year. We paid for transport worth £7,000. Read the hour by hour report of this wonderful event!
We support a better atmosphere in the microcosm around us. If nothing else, we pay the people in our team a very fair wage because everything begins with them.
And because we follow a very strong business ethic – we pay invoices of our business partners and suppliers with lightning speed. We love our partners.
It may sound naive, but it's true: we believe that everything is interconnected – and we live by that belief in our (micro)cosm.
And what is most important?
None of this would have happened without you.
We do not take our business for granted. We are grateful that thanks to Teahouse services, we can be proud of ourselves, proud of you – and help others while doing it.
This message is embodied in our slogan “meet the universe”.
Thank you.